Edible Daydream

The muted palette and vintage vibe have won my heart
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Burrow Patisserie 68 Jay St. 119 Brooklyn NY 11201

You know those times when you’re trying to come up with a blogpost but nothing seems inspiring? I’m having a case of writer’s block now.

Mr M has fallen sick and is sleeping next to me on the couch now. I’m trying to do everything as quietly as possible, fearing that I might disrupt his rest. Initially I intended to put together a post on material things that I’m coveting at this moment but my heart just isn’t into it. Frankly speaking fashion doesn’t rank that high on my priority list now as I don’t have the physical energy of mental space for it. I’m more concerned with my role as a wife and a nurse, fussing over things like Panadol, water intake and appetite. My Temple of Knit Simple House Slippers for Mr M have also finally come into play to warm those cold feet. Both of us felt a little bummed that we couldn’t do the travel planning that we wanted to do but this is what it is.

In this dull moment, I find the baking over at Burrow Patisserie in Brooklyn extremely soothing. I first encountered Ayako Kurokawa’s fantastic creations at Maria Van Nguyen’s blog and was instantly captivated by her creativity. The muted palette and vintage vibe have won my heart and Burrow is now sitting on my “must visit” NYC list.

I’m excited with this little daydream but first, let me take care of my current situation.


Jot down your thoughts!